hold me (slowed down)
can you understand me
baby don't you hand me a line
although it doesn't matter
you and me got plenty of time
there's nobody in the future
so baby let me hand you my love
oh, there's no step for you to dance to
so slip your hand inside of my glove
hold me....hold me....hold me
hold me....hold me....hold me
i don't want no damage
but how'm i gonna manage with you
you hold the percentage
but i'm the fool payin' the dues
i'm just around the corner
if you got a minute to spare
i'll be waitin' for ya'
if you ever want to be there
hold me....hold me....hold me
hold me....hold me....hold me
lu live with elvis costello in 2001
playing a cover of "wild horses" and "blue" (also off essence)
ok recently we got lucky enough to meet lucinda after one of her book/story shows and got to chat with her for a bit, what an unreal night !!!
she had a chuckle at my ron wood shirt and was so complimentary, what a sweet person!! :')
honored to get the chance to meet such an inspiration, hopefully we can keep in touch...
bonus pic of silly lu in 2002 at the grammys loll when we met she said "i'm just the same person off stage as i am on" <3
bonus bonus pic of me with elvis costello at work earlier this year lol
you might walk away
at the reservoir, following
a narrow path of light
what keeps us coming back for more
is always out of sight
and raindrops fall on broken glass
on a tender patch of grass
and from the ashes of the crash
where all things rest but nothing lasts
cold raindrops fall
see the wonder of it all
cold raindrops fall
and you might walk away
don't you wish that someone wanted
you that way today
a catastrophic blunder
from which you might walk away
cold raindrops fall
see the wonder of it all
cold raindrops fall
something from you i’ve taken
i have taken
something from you i’ve taken
and you might walk away
you might walk away
the tendency is to be let go
before you come undone
and someday soon they'll light up the woods
and you'll see you're not the only one
cold raindrops fall
see the wonder of it all
cold raindrops fall
and you might walk away
and you might walk away
and you might walk away
and you might walk
playing "your side now" ( off their first record reckless burning ) acoustic in a cemetery luv it
jawbreaker yearbook
adam pfahler
blake schwarzenbach
so one of the regulars at the shop (that everyone likes, i should add, cuz that's not always the case...) somehow got to showing us some pics from his old high school yearbook and was kind enough to send me these to post on here !! apparently all the seniors got a page to do whatever they wanted with and these pages are for jawbreaker drummer adam pfahler and frontman blake schwarzenbach :00 sooo sick !! he said they were seniors when he was a sophomore and that he didn't really know them, but that as a musician himself, he definitely looked up to them. he also said he dated one of the chicks from that dog ?! tho i forget which one he said loll